Wednesday 29 August 2007

Australian Pronunciation - Session 5 - The long and short vowel 'e'

Salam my wonderful students (Salam means hello in Farsi)

Click on the link below to listen to the latest session of Australian Pronunciation.
This session looks at the long vowel 'e' as in meet and the short vowel 'e' as in met.

Don't forget that next week we will be starting classes on Wednesday's from 9:30 to 1:30

Khoda hafaz (that's goodbye in Farsi)

Monday 27 August 2007


We had a 'Who am I?' quiz in class where students had to guess the object/person/animal being described. Afterwards students had to write their own 'Who am I?' describing themselves. I collected them all up and read the clues out to the class to see if they could guess who I was describing. It was fun

See if you can guess whose 'Who am I' is written below.

Who am I?
I'm a woman
I was born in Jaghori, Afghanistan
I'm 40 years old
I have black hair and brown eyes
I'm studying English at TAFE
Who am I?

Who am I?
I am a man
I was born in the southern part of
India I have black hair and black eyes
I have dark skin
I am learning English
Who am I?

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Australian Pronunciation - Consonant sounds /d/ and /t/

Hello everybody
I'm back with another Australian Pronunciation session. Session 4 is based on the consonant sounds /d/ and /t/. Have a listen and see if you can clearly hear the difference between the two sounds. You have a go! Don't forget to check past worksheets that were completed in class to help you with your pronunciation.
Until next time

Sunday 19 August 2007

What's a BLOG?

I introduced my students to the "Griffith English News" Blog. We had a bit of trouble accessing a few links through the TAFE computers but if students access the site from home they shouldn't have any problems (hoping this problem is fixed soon).

Students were given their learnscope dog tags (necklaces) and were very impressed.

Photos were taken for the occasion.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Australian Pronunciation - Session 3 - consonant sounds /s/ and /z/

G'day everyone

I've recorded another session of Australain Pronunciation. This week we look at the consonant sounds /s/ and /z/.
Have a listen and see what you think.
If anyone has any ideas about what else you would like to hear or practice, drop me a line in the comments page ("drop me a line" is an idiom which means let me know what you think in writing).

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Australian Pronunciation Take 2

Hi Guys

I forgot to mention on my last post that the first pronunciation session was based on the vowel sounds 'a' (long sound) and 'a' (short sound). Unfortunately I don't think I can use phonetic symbols on this site. I've done another session since then which I have just imported to podomatic so use the link and have a listen. This second session is on the consonant sounds 'b' and 'p'. The 'p' sound has come out a little bit rough with the microphone I was using but you should be able to get the general idea.
Until next time


Monday 6 August 2007

Australian Pronunciation

Hi Everyone

It's been a while since my last post. Lots of things have been going on around the place and we've all been really busy.
I've been fiddling with a tool called Audacity which allows me to record my voice and then export it to podomatic where you can all have a listen.
I thought it would be great for our pronunciation sessions. We can do the lessons in class together first and then you can have another listen later on in your own time.
Anyway try this link and see what you think.
P.S I've called it Australian pronunciation because you won't be hearing and English or American voice. It will be my voice!